
Showing posts from March, 2020

3-30-2020 Conner Trent

Hey all, well just got the heads up form DTJ that all interns may have to file for unemployment if workload drops. We're only supposed to be doing billable work and I have this week and next week filled with billable work but after next week I'll be playing it by ear to see if I'll still be full-time. They were a little confusing in the meeting saying that they still want us to work for them after this if the internship period is not over but still file for unemployment in the next few weeks if there's no work for us. That's all for now, I hope everyone is doing well. I'll keep yall updated as to what happens.

Kaylin Wilson - March 28,2020

Hello everyone, So here’s the TEA! I am currently working in my apartment and have had the worst time with the internet. So my apartment has public WiFi and it runs so slowly so I had to call the tech department at OJb and ask for help regarding the issue. We have figured out a way to get WiFi at my apartment. Ojb has been very helpful throughout all of this chaos. HOWEVER, my apartment, not so much. So I have an existing wall jack that’s in my room. My apartment is like 2 bedroom, one bedroom and then the living room/kitchen. Okay so my DESK was in the living room/kitchen, but I’ve now moved it 3 times to be near this wall jack. Come to find out, the wall jack is entirely broken. So I now I have to get someone to install a new one. My apartment didn’t tell me this originially. I’m so worked up about it becuase im nervous about having someone install in my home during  COVID, and everyone in Houston has received the alert not to go outdoors basically, so everyone’s been using WiFi and

Claytin Goss - 3/26/2020

Hi everyone, Here are some updates about my internship. OJB began working remote about two weeks ago. I was given a laptop and communication was mainly used over Microsoft Teams and GoTo Meeting. It was alright being able to work from the apartment, but I missed seeing my coworkers and the immediacy of in-person communication. After about a week of working from home in CA, my family and I decided it was best if I come home to Louisiana due to the uncertainty of COVID – 19. Jim was kind enough to let me use OJB flight points to get home. I was really lucky and got a flight that was one way to New Orleans this past Monday. Walking through the airport was very eerie, but I’ve never gone through security so fast in my life. It’s the little things haha. On the plane, there were no assigned seats and everyone had to sit wayyyy apart from each other. I think there were around 20 people on the flight. I am home now in Zachary and will continue with my internship. OJB has mail

Sheridan Mueller 3/22/20

Hey guys, I have been working remotely from Colorado Springs since last Monday. Right now, the Aspen office plans to stay closed until April 17th - yikes. I decided to take my desktop and supplies to Colorado Springs in order to stay with my older brother, Jack. I think I would have gone insane being alone in my apartment in the valley all this time! It is definitely a weird transition, but I still have lots of work to do and have been keeping myself busy. For the past week I have been creating a schematic design package for a residential project in Aspen. I have been making analysis diagrams, collecting character imagery, and rendering an illustrative plan. It has been difficult doing this remotely, I think it probably would have taken less time if we could review progress in person instead of just sending email updates. What are the challenges that you all face when working from home?  My desktop/workspace The illustrative plan I've been working on O

March 23, 2020 - Emily

I am sad to say that last week I got laid off from my internship "because of the coronavirus". They said depending on when this ends they might hire me back for the summer but I highly doubt that will happen. Im trying not to be negative about this but I am just sad that my internship experience was not what I hoped it would be and it got cut short. Riley also got laid off so we are going to have to scrape by these next couple of months. On the bright side now I get to hang out with Riley and Bubbles all day. We bought a frisbee set and are gonna go practice on the disc golf course in Zilker Park if it ever stops raining. I am also going to use this spare time to draw, read, crochet and exercise. Riley and I are also cooking together more which is fun. Tonight's dinner includes pan seared duck breast and smashed fingerling potatoes cooked in duck fat and fresh herbs and a side of fondat squash. I hope everyone else has a better experience. -Emily

03-18-2020 Conner Trent

The first day working from home. certainly interesting but feels just like doing studio homework at home except you need to coordinate with people at the office. How are yall liking/disliking working from home? Has your firm established a certain amount of time before yall go back to the office? We're set on 2 weeks right now, which is subject to change if the  US's situation of Covid-19 worsens. I am enjoying having the tv on or play music out loud instead of headphones. What other things are you doing to occupy your time while we hold out in our homes? Other than that, I don't have much of an update but I do have another video for yall so enjoy! (it was too big to attach so here's a link !) Here’s a photo of my home office set up. I’m interested to see what y’all did!

Austin Schroeder 3.17.20

G'day y'all, Not much new is happening right now in our office, other than the overall gloominess and feeling of impending doom from this virus. I'm confident everything will turn out OK, but at the same time I don't remember feeling this worried and unsettled from something like this before. I'm less worried about the virus, and more about people going crazy after losing jobs and turning to crimes like looting/robbery. I'm in the office today, but depending on how things go, everyone may be obliged to start working at home. The idea of me working at home in my PJ's is both depressing, and hilarious. I don't know how I'll have any self discipline Charlie and I got to sit in a meeting with Donna Bel Edwards (our governor's wife) at the office, about the design for the Gov. mansion grounds, and that was cool. There was a squad of police horses trotting around the block, which I enjoyed immensely.

Ruichen Zhu 3-15-2020

Hello, all I saw you guys doing a pretty good job in your firm. Let me introduce this firm in Japan. my firm in this building on the 6th floor.   This area for the digital draw which is what I usually stay here to work.   The plant data room looks pretty good.  The data storage room. they put a lot of projects in this area. We have a meeting every Monday.  I work a lot of construction detail drawings. Right now I think I am good to take Kathleen or Mark's Class again.  Thank you all share your work and experience.  I hope you all get away from the virus and be 100% safe !!!

3-13-2020 Conner Trent

Hope everyone is safe in these "special times" as Haoming said, Work was pretty slow today so my supervisor had me make research study models in SketchUp. Basically, these models are to serve as standard yield summaries for narrow lot single-family homes in Breckenridge, CO. I'm finding that the more I learn about community planning strategies and design it's starting to enhance/change how I look at space now. Not really much else to talk about but below are some quick videos of me working in Sketchup. I've also convinced the planning department to let me make more 3D models for our developments and it is helping the other designers and clients understand the space of the massive developments. If anyone is familiar with pangeaexpress on Instagram he posts videos like this (a lot better though lol) but he inspired me to start making more of these and share them. Gonna try and do screen recordings next. I hope yall enjoy!

Kaylin Wilson - OJB First 2 Weeks of March

Hello!  So I will update you guys on what’s been happening at OJB! Last week I worked on graphics for a project at Rice. I had to graphically represent the surrounding opportunities and constraints, inventory etc that the campus police should be aware of. For example, restaurants, entry points on the campus, bars, parks etc. Basically where a lot of the activity will be. I’ve worked on VW bases for 2 different projects. Adding more of my ideas to the designs with tweaks here and there. Worked on more graphical representation for stripping options for roads. I was told “the sky is the limit” so that was awesome. It’s for American Airlines so I wanted to include creative options that helps with directionally for pedestrians and carts   Etc. The crosswalk relates to the side of the airplane! Stuff like that.. that was fun for me.  This option is representative of an actual runway for the airplane! I wanted to include lights all along the roads like actual runways but that idea was tossed

Hoaming Qin- March 12, 2020

Hi all I started to work at BREC on Feb,12. On the first day of BREC, I didn’t work but I filled out many documents. The company has just started using NEOGOV, a workforce management platform, and I am fortunate to be a pioneer. Most documents no longer need to be signed in the paper which is very environmentally friendly. The first week in BREC was not busy. I work with Matthew to edit the details of bridges in Frenchtown Rd Conservation Area. He has been doing a lot of fieldwork, hiking trail designs. Considering the bearing capacity, the spacing of the beams is different. The weather is good on the weekend. bright sunshine and cool temperatures are hard to come by in baton rouge. I walked along the levee east of the Mississippi. There are not many people walk on the levee where bloomed assorted colors' wildflowers.  Around one hour I was being  Louisiana's Old State Capitol. I Revisited Louisiana's history and appreciated the impressive multicolored glass

Charlie- CARBO- 03/10/2020

Hey Guys, Hope you all are having a good week as we get into March here. Things are going steady and well over here for me and Austin. I am still learning a lot, but also gaining a bit of competence at stuff. Something I have been thinking about recently that's cool about CARBO is the variety of projects we work on while still keeping consistent with the end product. What i'm really talking about here is having workflow.  One of the hardest things for me in school was deciding how i'm going to do something, and I felt that, often times, the end was limited by the means. Deciding which programs to use and how to switch back and forth between these not only jammed me up but put limits on the end product.  A big thing i'm taking away from this internship is the ability to transition smoothly not only between multiple projects, types of projects (residential, institutional)  but between different phases of a project( SD, DD CD, rendering), and perhaps most importan

03-10-2020 Conner Trent Updated on 03-11-2020

Hey all! not a lot has changed with my projects, I'm currently working on a lumion rendering to show entrance fly-throughs of the development. Other than that I went to BR this past weekend for my girlfriends formal and to visit some buddies, It was a great time, definitely too short but I'm excited to be back in Colorado. That's all I have so far today, I'll probably have another post later this week with more work details. I do have some questions for yall ( can answer in my comments below or in the post) how is your firm handling the coronavirus? Have you stopped using public transit or facilities in the city? Been on the fence about not going to my gym every day to try and limit my chances of contracting the virus. we issued a few emails about working from home if there's an outbreak in boulder. (Asked By Charlie)  What are your gaps in your game? Have you filled any in?  - at the start of the internship, I would say I had some gaps with InDesign mostly but t

Emily Poulter - March 9, 2020

I dont know about yall but i feel like i wrote my last post yesterday... Time is flying by. Friday afternoon Riley and I are headed to BR and my coworker Victoria is riding with us. She graduated from LSU in 2018. I have been up to the same things. Work, gym, cook, read, sleep. I haven't mentioned yet that Riley and I have been watching all of the Marvel movies in the recommended order. Doing this really makes you see how well written they all are because they hint at things that happened in the last movie or will happen in the next movie. We are on doctor strange. We started watching it when we got home from the donut restaurant the other night but we both passed tfo on the couch and have to rewatch it. I highly recommend !!! If you dont have disney plus I might share mine with u.  I walked to zilker park on Friday and that was pretty cool. It takes me 5 minutes to drive there and 30 minutes to walk! Yesterday I took a guided meditation class and that shit was crazy. Your

Sheridan Mueller 3/8/2020

Hey everybody, Happy Sunday to all!! I am pretty much still working on the same couple of projects that I was two weeks ago at Design Workshop. Actually, some of the projects were at a standstill so I had a light two weeks. Because I was light, I am now helping out with Max's Aspen "plant book" that he has been putting together since he started working out here awhile ago. If any of y'all went to his presentation in the fall I believe he spoke a little bit about it. It's basically Fryling's database project in InDesign format. I am helping reformat the spreads and going through Design Workshop projects to try and find pictures of the plants being used in their residential designs. We are going to present it to the rest of the firm in May..... Have y'all done any presenting so far? Originally, my internship was going to end the first week of June. Last week I was offered a summer internship, with Design Workshop, in their Denver office. So I will be w


I just discovered something that land fx does......  are you ready???? It labels site elevations. The labels are the plus sign with the number and abbreviation. When you want to move it, it all stays together and moves as one. BUT WAIT there is more.  Idk if yall are ready for this.. It calculates slope for you 😇😅😍😌 When you want to do a quick slope calculation all you have to do is click on two spot elevations and bam. The slope is labeled with an arrow and slope percentage that easy. These are only a handful of other magical things landfx can do! Youre welcome, happy Friday Emily

Advice - Plant Tattoos

So this is completely random, but if you guys have suggestions on cool plants to get as tattoos please comment and let me know! Also what is your spirit animal: plant version? Sheridan brought up that her coworker asked her and it’s honestly the ultimate question! So good, so good!  How cute if we all got super small matching plant tattoos before we graduate 🌿 on Instagram is a tattoo artist that collects the plants her customers want tattooed, prints them on the skin with removable dye for guidance, then traces over with tattoo ink.  In case you haven’t heard of her! She’s in Bali

Austin Schroeder - 3.2.20

Hello everyone, Last week I got to take a road trip with Jeff to Natchitoches, for a meeting regarding phase 2 of Carbo's Natchitoches riverfront project. A large part of the meeting was about a historic home located on the site, circa 1803.  It was built by a former slave, who bought his freedom over 200 years ago. The house has seen some modifications or "improvements" over the years, but it has serious structural issues, that have gotten much worse since a 100 year flood that happened in 2016. The big question that needs to be answered is whether or not its feasible to move, or at least raise up the structure, without it crumbling. Apparently some engineers are on the case for that. Other than that, a lot of discussion was about how the city is going to utilize this house in a way that generates revenue, because that would be the only source of funding for the building's maintenance. Someone had the idea of a private di

Allen Worthington 17 February 2020/March 2 2020

I am beginning this blog post since the server at my firm is down, at the moment. The days seem to fly by lately; I don't know about you guys. I haven't gotten as much practice time with varieties of software lately but I'm definitely honing my CAD skills. It is pretty interesting to see how a new site is approached, by the firm. With residential work, they don't seem to need things like program diagrams, models, and perspective drawings. Sketchup usually takes place of those programs here. It's pretty cool how they gradually got me more involved in projects without me realizing it. I was tasked to draw some sections which had to be detailed enough to be used for the sections and detail drawings in the CD package. I didn't even realize I had basically drawn 8 details all-in-one. It made me think how I spent so much time when we had all those detail drawings due for materials class. I saw that Austin shared an awesome nighttime render, which inspired me to lo