Sheridan Mueller 3/22/20

Hey guys,

I have been working remotely from Colorado Springs since last Monday. Right now, the Aspen office plans to stay closed until April 17th - yikes. I decided to take my desktop and supplies to Colorado Springs in order to stay with my older brother, Jack. I think I would have gone insane being alone in my apartment in the valley all this time! It is definitely a weird transition, but I still have lots of work to do and have been keeping myself busy. For the past week I have been creating a schematic design package for a residential project in Aspen. I have been making analysis diagrams, collecting character imagery, and rendering an illustrative plan. It has been difficult doing this remotely, I think it probably would have taken less time if we could review progress in person instead of just sending email updates. What are the challenges that you all face when working from home?

 My desktop/workspace

The illustrative plan I've been working on

Outside of work and "quarantining" my brother and I have been going on regular hikes to get fresh air and get out of the house. Other than that we've been grocery shopping, thrifting, and venturing out for take out. Really thrilling stuff. My brother is working from home also, so we both have a lot of meetings and calls during the day. He has also been day trading, working out at his base's gym, and playing lots of video games. We started watching Tiger King on Netflix last night, I highly recommend if you're bored and like ridiculous documentaries. What have y'all been doing during social distancing/quarantine time?

I am hoping that everything goes back to normal soon! I think the weekend that all the bars and restaurants open back up is going to be so much fun! I am looking forward to that. I hope all of y'all are staying safe, healthy, and sane during this bizarre time!


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