
Chris Blog #8 Studio Balcones 6/8/21

 Hello guys, I hope everyone is having a wonderful time on their internships. The time has really been flying by here in Austin. I'm not sure if everyone has been receiving as much as we have been over here but I'm over it. It seems like it is pouring down at least 4 days a week here. I don't remember a weekend where it has been clear sky's the whole time. Other than the rain, work is going great. I have increasingly been put on more important projects and have been asked to host meetings with very high up clients. Doing CD sets all day does get sort of boring but it sure makes the time go by fast. Recently they have been shooting the reboot movie "Walker Texas Ranger" in the building that we work in so that is pretty awesome to see everyday. I never knew how much went into making movies but they completely redesigned our whole building to look like a functional high school. I'm super pumped that it is now summer time because there are so many beautiful bo

Jiamin Zheng - Internship Blog#5 - The Tea House

Hello everyone, My dad and my uncle planned to open a teahouse at the end of last year. They thought I can give them some ideas and suggestions, so they started to contacting with the design firm after I finish my isolation. After about half a year, the teahouse opened at the beginning of this month. I will also go to the teahouse to helpfter I finish my works at AECOM, and also every weekend.  During the design and construction of the teahouse, I learned a lot about how interior design and landscape design become a "real thing". This was the first time that I playing the role of client and i ntern at the same time.  This experience is so unique and definitly benefited me a lot. I will write a few blogs about how teahouse builted out after I finish my internship at the end of this week. I think these two experience are both important to me.  Let me share with you the final look of our teahouse. Hope you will like it! Main Entrance Seating Area Small Water Feature Outdoor Seat

Jiamin Zheng - AECOM - Internship Blog #4

 Hello everyone,   This week I am working on a regional planning project, this project is to design a riverside area. The place is located in Dazhou City in Sichuan Province. Although it is a important transportation link connecting western China, it has not been paid attention for a long time because of topographical restriction and wrong development models. Also, because this area is far away from big cities and lacks high-quality education resources and job opportunities, young people are more willing to move to big cities in recent years. This causing serious population loss in this area. The purpose of this project to develop this area and make it become an ecological city in western China.

Emily Couture - Post #7 - Design Workshop

SPRING HAS SPRUNG! 💜 Hi everyone, the snow is melting and the flowers are blooming here in Aspen. The weather has been beautiful these past few weeks & I am super excited to experience a summer outside of the Louisiana heat! We are finally experiencing some rain showers, which makes me super happy. I have missed rainy days. ❤ I am a cyclist now. 😉 I have enjoyed biking the Rio Grande trail, which is a 42 mile trail from Glenwood to Aspen. Yesterday I biked 32 miles!! It is super exhausting biking through the mountains, but it is also so fulfilling.  Biking in the rain :-) Rio Grande Trail Rainy Days Work update: I am still working on Paradise Mesa Ranch. I have been picking up redlines on the sheet series this week as well as updating illustratives with changes from the architects. Here is an update on the perspectives : Also, I will be fully vaccinated tomorrow!! YAYYY 

Chris Blog #7 Studio Balcones 5/18/21

 Hey guys, These blogs get more and more depressing when I realize that we don't have that much longer in our internships. I am having a wonderful time here and work is getting better and better. Since we lost one of the team mates we have picked up a new hire. Her name is Kat and she is a grad student from Texas A&M. She's super nice and brings a lot to the table. It's also pretty nice not being the new person anymore. Since Kat was hired we recently found out that we are losing another team member. Melina is taking another job so we are going back to square 1. I think we might be looking for another hire but haven't found one just yet. So with all that being said, we are yet again about to have another large load of work now that she will be gone. Honestly, I like it when it is super busy because the days go by super quick. I have recently been shuffling through working on a couple residential projects as well as some commercial. I just recently had my first permi

Austin Carbo - Design Workshop - Blog #8

Hey y'all! Not sure how many people are going to continue their blog since the semester is over, but i figured I would still try and give an update every now and then.  Work:  Not too much has happened with work since my last post. The owner of Bosshard ranch recently explained to us that he wants to hold off on the project until lumber and other materials prices have come back to more normal prices. 3 creek hasn't progressed much, although today we have a design charrette with the architects. Bear Island has been my main focus lately. Lots of design changes between DW, the architects, and the client. I've had to go back and edit a lot of cad work and graphics. I also never realized how many rules and regulations came with building a driveway. You have to have turnouts and turnarounds every so many feet in Teton County, so it's been interesting helping figure out the best approach for the driveway. Now that the snow has melted, I will be going out to my first site visit

Ashton #6

 Hello my fellow nature lovers, It is finally May and I am finally getting to see spring in the valley! I am very excited about this and ready to see some lush vegetation now that all the snow has melted. I have been exploring a lot around my little home and there are so many hikes I want to check out. Emily recently moved in with me and now we're a little family of three (me, tsuki and em). It's nice to have someone around so I'm not so lonely. We went on a bike ride the other day and found this beautiful crabapple tree that Emily almost fell out of. Other than that, my cousins and sister are coming to visit me this week. I am so excited to show them around and get some time off of work. We plan ongoing to the hot springs, horseback riding, and plenty of hikes. I'm sad that I only have three months left here, I don't think I ever want to leave. The past two weeks I feel like I have learned a lot and gotten more responsibilities from my project managers. They have a