Cana Boudreaux/Design Workshop/2
So far these past two weeks have been great. I took an Uber ride to Longmont, Colorado to visit Firestone Central Park that is extremely large. The entire park is around 290-320 acres of land that is squarely in the middle of town. The park also included a nice library that is near the middle of the site and oil refineries that feel way out of place. After our visit, I continued to help Jamie(who is from Australia) with measurements of different park amenities in other precedent parks that were nearly the same size in acres as our site. Next trip, I rode with another Jamie(our technical principal) and Micah out to Colorado Springs, which is about a hour long drive from Denver, and went to Alamo Square Park. When we arrived to the site, it was outright, disgracefully cold. We saw many of the paving failures that transpired throughout the park as concrete and brick paving systems do not sit well with each other. Many of the isolation mortar joints were cra...