Charlie- CARBO February 25, 2020
Hey all, Hope I find you well. It's Fat Tuesday down here in the swamp and Austin and I are working away. I am officially inundated with shit to do, which I love. I currently working on a few different projects, so prioritizing them has become important. The projects are: Master Plan for LSU Shreveport. This involved drawing a rendered master plan and putting together a booklet for our presentation to the school tomorrow. Last week was the first time I had to push it to meet a deadline for this. Lots of photoshop, autocad, and indesign. Ill be driving to Shreveport for 10am tomorrow to help present. Two residences in BR: One of them is siting a house. This has been a lot of back and forth, dimensioning, and meeting with the client to decide where his house is gonna go. The other is a full planting design. I finished up the concept a few weeks ago; we got the greenlight so ill be doing a takeoff and putting together standard planting details. Nice to take one from start to...