
Showing posts from February, 2020

Charlie- CARBO February 25, 2020

Hey all, Hope I find you well. It's Fat Tuesday down here in the swamp and Austin and I are working away. I am officially inundated with shit to do, which I love. I currently working on a few different projects, so prioritizing them has become important. The projects are: Master Plan for LSU Shreveport. This involved drawing a rendered master plan and putting together a booklet for our presentation to the school tomorrow.  Last week was the first time I had to push it to meet a deadline for this. Lots of photoshop, autocad, and indesign. Ill be driving to Shreveport for 10am tomorrow to help present. Two residences in BR: One of them is siting a house. This has been a lot of back and forth, dimensioning, and meeting with the client to decide where his house is gonna go. The other is a full planting design. I finished up the concept a few weeks ago; we got the greenlight so ill be doing a takeoff and putting together standard planting details. Nice to take one from start to

Kaylin Wilson - Feb 25 - OJB

Yo!  I am currently working on a SD set with my team and the set is due today at 5:30. Crunch time!  However, I’m taking a break to write my post :)  Things have been going well in HOUSTON. It rains ALL of the time, which I love so much. I went to another concert this weekend. I saw Borgore.. He was terrible this time. The first time I saw him I was like obsessed, but I was so unimpressed this time around. I was frowning when the SAME beat dropped for the 5th time and this girl asked me  if I was okay.. I answered with a “noo”. On the bright side, I did meet friends! They were like “omg you came to an EDM concert alone?”... LIKE YEAH? & THIS ISNT MY FIRST RODEO!  Like what else am I supposed to do on the weekend?  Have you guys been doing stuff alone that you normally wouldn’t do? Do you like it or do you feel uncomfortable?  Personally, I’m in the zone. It was still nice meeting new friends. Weekend before that I went to visit my friend cayman In Florida. I have some friends comin

Emily Poulter - February 24,2020

Hey everyone, I am so sad to not be in Louisiana right now. Being a native Louisianian spending Mardi Gras out of state makes me feel like a fish out of water. The only thing that makes it okay is that we have had 4 king cakes in the office so far. None of them are as good as the ones from home. Riley's parents came to visit last weekend and my parents were visiting this weekend. My mom brought me a creme brulee king cake with chocolate frosting that is absolutely amazing. The best part about having them here is that we have been eating at all types of restaurants. Yall.The.Food.Here.Is.So.Good.  Austin is one of the 5 food capitols of the country. Im sorry but Nola does not compare. Unless you only like fried food. We went to Rileys restaurant for brunch yesterday and the executive chef sent us a bunch of food for free. This was my favorite thing we got. Its a board with all homemade dips. Pinto bean hummus, house made spicy yogurt, beet puree, chopped marinated carrots wit

Conner Trent 2-24-2020

Hey guys! Working in the planning Studio there are times when its crazy busy and then there are weeks that are very light and I usually end up helping the Landscape Studio with work. I'm currently working on a conceptual alternatives guide booklet, which consists of different design alternatives for the client. DTJ is also embarking on a 5-year mission to establish DTJ's planning practice as the Premiere Community Design Company in the nation. Which is a pretty big deal and I'm excited to be apart of the beginning! Other than that I've been working on parcel development for a project called Summerlin in Las Vegas that's 50,000 acres! There are so many methods of planning that I've been learning, excited to share them when we all get back. Summerlin Plan linework on google maps This past weekend I went down to the River North Art District (RiNo) in Denver which was really and filled with public art everywhere and awesome modern architecture. It also h

Sheridan Mueller 2/23/2020

Hey everyone, So, big news guys..... prepare yourselves.....the scarf I have been finally done!! What a  beauty am I right?? What a ride. I will be making another soon... maybe with a different type of yarn. I will keep y'all updated don't worry. I know y'all are on the edge of your seats. The final product Me trying on the scarf - I am open to critiques Alright, now onto some other stuff. February is really flying by. Last weekend my mom came to visit me. We went shopping in Aspen, skied at Buttermilk, and had a really great lunch at a restaurant called the White House Tavern. Best chicken sandwich ever, highly recommend. Another fun thing I did was visit the Glenwood Springs Hot Springs with some of my coworkers! The water is from a natural hot spring and basically feels like a giant hot tub. The water has natural minerals that are supposed to be good for you or something? Not to sure on that one. However, my skin did feel really good

Claytin Goss - 2/22/2020

Happy Saturday, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. It's rainy today, quite a rarity around here. I miss rainy days though, so I’m happy. Work has been very busy. For the majority, I'm working on the Santa Clara project. Editing Vectorworks plans, creating lots of CAD sections, rendering in Lumion, etc. I also got to model a children’s playground in Rhino! I’m learning so much and can’t believe OJB trusts me to do half the stuff they have me do lol. I’ve also gotten to hop on a few other projects. My favorite one so far has been a Google Headquarters project in Los Angeles. I had to gather concept imagery for different types of office spaces that could function outdoors. Google is into really out-there and sometimes wacky concepts, so it was a fun exercise. Gavin came to visit for a week after my mom left. While he was here we visited La Jolla, a beach town close to Solana, to do some seal sighting. Big Chunk  We we

Austin Schroeder 2.18.20

Hey everyone, I believe I am in my sixth week of my internship already, and that seems crazy to me. Time really is flying by. Although I do miss seeing you guys around in studio. Its great to be able to hear about what you guys are doing at your offices, and I check this blog pretty much every morning :'D. Things around the office have been pretty busy lately, and I been dipping my toes in many different projects. For me, I usually do little tasks or pieces of a project before someone sets me off on something new. But, there is one residence project in Lake Charles that I have been helping with for a few weeks now, and I've gotten to work on construction documents, construction details, and a sketchup model for it. It's cool to have been exposed to all those little details about the site, because now I feel like I know every little thing about this house. One of the most fun things I've done since my last post, was work on some logo concepts for a commercial devel

Claytin Goss - First Blog Post for Jan. 20th

Hey pals! I apologize for my late first post. I’ve had company the first three weeks I’ve been working so I haven’t had the time or wanted to blog. I’ll talk about where I live and my first two weeks of work in this blog and my last two weeks in another one! Getting moved to California was a process . My mom, my dad, and I drove my car to California with a tiny UHUAL.  The trip consisted of lots of naps, snacks, and Stuff You Should Know podcast episodes. (Listen to “The Disappearance of Flight MH370” episodes. Insane!) We took the food stops very seriously. I was in charge of finding restaurants that ONLY had been on Diner’s, Driver’s, and Dive’s, per my dad’s request. After three days of traveling, we finally arrived in California, and after one day of unloading the UHAUL, I was moved in! My dad left a few days later, and my mom stayed with me another week. I live in a little beach town outside of San Diego called Solana Beach. It has a very active, outd