Charlie- CARBO February 25, 2020

Hey all,

Hope I find you well. It's Fat Tuesday down here in the swamp and Austin and I are working away. I am officially inundated with shit to do, which I love. I currently working on a few different projects, so prioritizing them has become important.

The projects are:

Master Plan for LSU Shreveport. This involved drawing a rendered master plan and putting together a booklet for our presentation to the school tomorrow.  Last week was the first time I had to push it to meet a deadline for this. Lots of photoshop, autocad, and indesign. Ill be driving to Shreveport for 10am tomorrow to help present.

Two residences in BR: One of them is siting a house. This has been a lot of back and forth, dimensioning, and meeting with the client to decide where his house is gonna go.
The other is a full planting design. I finished up the concept a few weeks ago; we got the greenlight so ill be doing a takeoff and putting together standard planting details. Nice to take one from start to finish.

Governors mansion: Drawing plans for their vegetable garden. Transcribing Jeff's drawings.

My favorite: Doing a design for a spec home in BR. Ive enjoyed meeting with these clients with Jeff and i'll get to take this one from start to finish as well. Just put together a base map and went out to the job site to take a bunch of field measurements last week. I love doing that stuff.

What are your favorite projects?
What's your favorite part of your job?

Mine is meeting with clients and being on the jobsite.
My least favorite part is sitting down for long times.

I noticed in Emilys post that some of you guys are taking spring break off. I'm interested to hear more about that. I took my first day off last Friday so I could go to my lakehouse. I  hope to take more Fridays off this summer so that I can do stuff like that.
Even though it seems no one in this office could care less. I do not want to be that guy who is always taking off. How are you guys going about taking time off? Do you have set days? Taking a full week off as a new hire is pretty much unheard of but are they cool with it cause its spring break and your a student?

Id also like to know how you guys are managing multiple projects. I work for at least 3 different people in the office everyday so communicating has become important. I believe who's task it is, is important. Like if i'm working on something for someone else but Jeff or Shannon asks me to do something: they'll y usually get priority.  They're the bosses, after all. How do you guys balance your time?

Feel free to answer in the comments or in your own post.

types of drawings I put into cad

King cake from Dong Phong in NOLA. It is the GOAT without question.

Out on the jobsite

Cool Lake Flato house near my lakehouse.

Have a great week-


  1. About balancing time/projects: We have weekly staffing meetings where project managers assign you to projects and allocate a certain amount of hours for you to be working on their projects. It's presented every Monday, and everyone takes turns explaining what their week is going to look like so that everyone is on the same page and everyone has a pretty good idea of who is working on what and for how many hours. Also people love to use the calendar in Outlook to schedule "meetings" that sometimes last like 15 minutes, but I think its just to be respectful of everyone's time.

  2. I think because both of my bosses went to LSU and went on the spring break trips they understand why I want to go. When I talked to Max about the trip in the summer before I knew what firm I wanted to be at he said that most firms encourage students to go on the trip because its educational.
    I am only taking one other day off to visit Claytin. We work flexible hours so if I want to get off early on Friday (which i will do to come to BR the day before the st patty's day) I just have to work longer hours the rest of the week to meet 40 hrs.

  3. My parents are coming here for Easter and we are renting a house on Lake Travis and Im excited :D

  4. On balancing projects, usually priority goes to projects with deadlines soon (like that week or next week). I've only experienced one deadline crisis so far here. mostly its just been producing yield study sections or plans for clients on our own time. We do a weekly staff meeting to decide the task for the next week but its all pretty flexible especially if you're an intern. I get pulled off stuff I'm scheduled to work on to help with something else all the time. As for requesting time off its pretty normal for people to take a week off or so for camping and hiking trips, as long as you ask at least 2 weeks in advance its usually not a big deal. The Planning Studio is also very laid back compared to other studios here.

    1. My favorite project so far has to be the community development outside of Vegas. The PM on the project is also a LSU LA alumni so its cool to work with him and can relate about teachers and the program. My favorite part of work is the breakfast club on Friday's, which someone brings breakfast for everyone in the club and it varies from homemade grits to breakfast tacos from a local restaurant, My day is July 10th so I'm trying to come up with a good meal to bring.


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