Emily Couture - Post #7 - Design Workshop


Hi everyone, the snow is melting and the flowers are blooming here in Aspen. The weather has been beautiful these past few weeks & I am super excited to experience a summer outside of the Louisiana heat! We are finally experiencing some rain showers, which makes me super happy. I have missed rainy days. ❤

I am a cyclist now. πŸ˜‰ I have enjoyed biking the Rio Grande trail, which is a 42 mile trail from Glenwood to Aspen. Yesterday I biked 32 miles!! It is super exhausting biking through the mountains, but it is also so fulfilling. 

Biking in the rain :-)

Rio Grande Trail

Rainy Days

Work update: I am still working on Paradise Mesa Ranch. I have been picking up redlines on the sheet series this week as well as updating illustratives with changes from the architects. Here is an update on the perspectives :

Also, I will be fully vaccinated tomorrow!! YAYYY 


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