Austin Carbo - Design Workshop - Blog #6

Hey y'all!

Is anyone else finding it so strange not to be cramming for finals? I'm really enjoying not going through that haha. Going back to a school schedule is really gonna be tough! 


Not much new to report here. I am continuing to work on the site analysis for the project Bear Island. We are actually having a client meeting on Thursday to discuss the three concepts. The residence in Aspen is still at a stand still as we wait to hear back from the city. The other project in Jackson Hole, Bosshard Ranch, has been at a stand still as well for like the last two - three weeks. That pretty much sums things up.


Two weekends ago, I visited the Colorado National Monument. It was freaking awesome to say the least. I purchased an America the Beautiful pass that gets me and three others into National Parks and other federally funded parks. Only $80. Totally worth it if you're visiting a few parks. I stopped in Grand Junction and popped in a couple of the stores downtown. They have this really awesome antique store called 'A Robins Nest'. I ended up buying a older Colorado license plate and an old Keystone movie camera. The camera appears to be fully functioning, I just need to try to find some film and someone to develop it. It was only $20, so if it works awesome, if not, it will just be a cool piece. 

This past weekend, Ashton, Emily, and I took a trip to Moab. We did a little off roading on a trail but ended up turning around because I got us a bit lost. Trails aren't as clearly labeled as I thought. I think we ended up getting back on track for my original plan, but ending up turning around because we weren't sure how long it would take us. Once we got into the actually city, it was super cool. Definitely a place I want to spend more time in. We ended up eating at a food truck park. Lots of options. I ended up getting some Chinese food. After we ate, we drove about 5 minutes up the road to Arches National Park. We were a little behind on time so we ended up only going about halfway through the park. What we did get to see was incredible. The park was super busy! Seems like more people are going to the national parks lately, which is great to see. 


Last Friday and this morning, we actually got some snowfall! Although, by the end of the day it is basically all melted. I'm interested to see how much more snowfall we will get. On another note, yesterday I got my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. I unfortunately had side effects. Around 8 I felt exhausted and then I woke up shortly after that with a slight fever and chills. Hardly got any sleep and didn't think I was gonna make it to work today. It was rough to get up, but I felt better than I did during the middle of the night. About halfway through the day I feel much better. Has anyone else experienced something similar with their second dose?

Hope everyone is learning a lot! Miss you all.



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