Austin Carbo - Design Workshop - Blog 4

Hey everyone! 

(Fair warning, not much has happened since my last blog post.)


My main focus at work has been the local Aspen residence that I have been working on. We are piecing together the final components of the construction documents to hand over to the City of Aspen to obtain permits. I have drawn SO many details for this site. For only being a 500 sq ft project, it sure as hell has been a very complex project. The spa has been the most complex component within the site. To comply with newer Aspen regulations, the spa needed to be a unit that can be dropped into the ground rather than a more typical poured in place concrete style spa. This complicated things as we had to figure out how to maintain access to the "void space" for maintenance purposes. I can not tell you the amount of times I have edited these details to this point haha. It has been interesting drawing these details as my PM has mostly been like just go for it. So it has been a LOT of researching. Luckily, Kathys class was good preparation for all these details. This Wednesday we are kicking off another large scale residential project near Jackson Hole. Looking forward to stepping away from details for a little while. 


Just the usually skiing on the weekends. Not much has changed with this. Improving every time. I am hoping to give snowboarding a shot before the season is over. I'll keep you all posted on that. We finally got to socialize the other week with our coworkers. We went to Aspen Tap for some drinks and pizza. We had a good time! I may have had too good of a time lol. 

Exciting news is that Maddie is flying in on Thursday! So glad to have her visit. Looks like Friday we will go skiing, and on Saturday go ice skating, tubing, and ride the mountain coaster. Other days we will plan to show her around downtown and go hiking!

Side Note:

Heres a link to the property listing for the new project I'm about to start:


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