Hey guys! I hope you’re all still staying healthy and safe during this pandemic!

I’m messaging to ask for your help, love and support regarding the Black Lives Matter movement. In regards to the growing support around the globe, and in hopes that you are just as outraged as many within the Black community have been for centuries, I’m asking you all to realize that now is the time, more than ever, to speak up and speak out against racial injustices. 

It can be hard to empathize with something you’ve never personally experienced, and I don’t wish any of my traumas dealing with racism on those of you that haven’t dealt with it. However, it is a factor that still lives and breathes today, especially towards people of color. For instance, I urge you all to remember a prime example of discrimination that we witnessed in Boston with the POC wearing niqabs in the park. The situation towards those women of color was unacceptable, and in instances such as those, there should not be hesitation on whether or not we speak up to help another. I, myself, think often about how I wish we could have all collectively stood up to those men, and been equally outraged and devastated, school trip or not. I hope you all understand that certain situations call for an intervention to help another that may face challenges that might be hard to fully relate to, and this classifies as one of them to some of you. 


I hope you’ve been, or will start, educating yourselves on dissociative traits you might practice in regards to overt racism, researching testimonies from other people of color, and challenging yourselves to speak against issues that are unfair and unjust.  

Finally, actions speak louder than words. This movement is for human rights, people of color, and the oppressed. Fighting for change shouldn’t cease after a few posts or conversations. Using your platform is essential, but challenging ourselves to acknowledge systemic issues and putting forth all of our effort to fix this toxic cycle is crucial. Voting, attending protests, calling out members of our families that speak negatively about others from different ethnicities, signing petitions, reading scholarly articles, recognizing privilege and refusing to ignore issues that deserve recognition is just the start. I hope you already decided to be part of the change. 




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